A Commercial Automobile insurance policy is required whenever a vehicle, regardless of ownership, is used to generate income. This could be a delivery vehicle, a contractor, a long hauler, etc. If you’re not sure how your vehicle should be insured an Ontario West or Bill Blaney Commercial Specialist can assist you. Individual and Farm vehicles as well as Fleets can be covered in case you are sued for an accident, for accidental damage to your vehicle due to a collision or weather, for theft or vandalism or glass damage and more.


Recommended Insurance for Commercial Auto

Mandatory Automobile Liability coverage with limits of $2,000,000 is recommended along with mandatory Accident Benefits. Depending on the age and ownership status of your vehicle and your risk tolerance coverage for physical damage to your vehicle for Collision, Comprehensive or All Perils should also be included. Coverage for a replacement vehicle will round out your Commercial Automobile insurance package.


Specialized Coverage for Commercial Auto

Policy Endorsements thc:1t extend coverage for down-time, driving record protection, carrying passengers, etc. can be added depending on your specific commercial operations. Garage Automobile Liability cover is also available for those whose operations include the care, custody or control of the vehicles of others.

Looking For A Personalized Approach For Your Insurance Needs?

Our team of caring and knowledgeable professionals will help you find the right coverage to suit your unique circumstances. Let's get started. Just click the link below to answer a few quick questions and we'll reach back to you in a responsive and timely manner.

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